Monday, February 20, 2023

Using MS-Word 2016

 Using MS-Word 2016

Q.1. What is MS-Word 2016?

Q.2. What do you mean by word processing?

Q.3. What functions can we perform with a word processing software?

Q.4. Give some examples of word processors.

Q.5. How do you start the MS Word?

Q.6. Name the components of MS Word 2016 Windows?

Q.7. What is a title bar?

Q.8. Name the three control buttons.

Q.9. What is a minimize button?

Q.10. What is a restore button?

Q.11. What is a close button?

Q.12. What is a workspace?

Q.13. What is a ribbon? Which tabs are present on ribbon?

Q.14. What is a status bar?

Q.15. What is a quick access toolbar?

Q.16. What is a cursor/insertion point?

Q.17. What is help?

Q.18. What is the file -extension of MS-Word file?

Q.19. Which button is pressed to

I. move to the beginning of the line.

II. move to the end of the line.

III. move to the top of the document.

IV. move to the end of the document.

V. to close word.

Q.20. What is word wrap?

Q.21. What is the purpose of Undo? Give the shortcut for Undo.

Q.22. How do you create a new document in MS Word?

Q.23. Which temporary names are given to new documents in MS Word?

Q.24. How do you save a document in MS Word?

Q.25. Give the shortcut keys to

I. create a new document

II. Save a document

III. open an existing document

Q.26. How do you open an existing document in MS Word?

Q.27. How do you close a MS Word document?

Q.28. How do you exit MS Word?

Sunday, February 19, 2023

More on MS-Paint

 More on MS-Paint

Q.1. How do you open MS-Paint?

Q.2. Name the different parts of the Paint Window.

Q.3. What is the purpose of Title Bar?

Q.4. How is a Quick Access Toolbar helpful?

Q.5. What is a Ribbon?

Q.6. Describe Shapes group.

Q.7. How do you draw a rounded rectangle?

Q.8. How do you draw a curve?

Q.9. What is the purpose of a polygon tool?

Q.10. How is a Text Tool helpful?

Q.11. How do you use a text tool?

Q.12. What do you mean by magnify?

Q.13. How do you flip a picture?

Q.14. How do you rotate a picture?

Q.15. What do you mean to crop an image?

Q.16. How do you crop an image?

Q.17. How do you copy and paste?

Q.18. Give the shortcut keys for copy, cut and paste.

Q.19. What is cut and paste?

Q.20. Explain the steps to cut and paste.

Q.21. How do you save a drawing?

Q.22. How do you close the paint program?

The Keyboard

 The Keyboard

Q.1. What is a keyboard?

Q.2. Which are alphabetic keys?

Q.3. How many alphabetic keys are there on a keyboard?

Q.4. Which are number keys?

Q.5. Which are punctuation keys?

Q.6. Which are arrow keys?

Q.7. Name some special keys.

Q.8. Which is the longest key on the keyboard?

Q.9. What is the purpose of the Enter key?

Q.10. Describe delete key.

Q.11. Where is the delete key present on the keyboard?

Q.12. Where is the backspace key present on the keyboard?

Q.13. What is the purpose of the Caps Lock key?

Q.14. What is the use of the Shift key?

Working on Microsoft Windows 10

 Working on Microsoft Windows 10

Q.1. What is Windows?

Q.2. What is an operating system?

Q.3. Describe the steps to start a computer.

Q.4. What is Windows 10?

Q.5. What is a desktop?

Q.6. What are icons?

Q.7. What is a taskbar?

Q.8. Explain the steps to start a Wordpad.

Q.9. What is a title bar?

Q.10. What is the new search tool of Windows 10 called?

Q.11. Describe Cortana.

Q.12. Describe Microsoft Edge.

Q.13. Which are the six editions of Windows for general use?

Q.14. Describe the task view button.

Q.15. Describe Microsoft store.

Q.16. Which snap features are present in Windows 10?

Q.17. What is Window snapping?

Q.18. Describe the steps to resize a window.

Q.19. What do you mean by shutting down a computer?

Q.20. What are the steps to shut down a computer?

Working of Computer

 Working of Computer

Q.1. Can a computer make its own decision?

Q.2. What is the full form of the IPO Cycle?

Q.3. Explain the IPO Cycle?

Q.4. Give a few examples of the IPO Cycle.

Q.5. Who is known as the father of computers?

Q.6. Explain the I-P-O cycle for a computer.

Q.7. Give an example of the I-P-O cycle for computers.

Q.8. What is an input?

Q.9. Give examples of input devices.

Q.10. Where is processing done for computers?

Q.11. What is an output?

Q.12. Give examples of output devices?

Parts of a computer

 Parts of a computer

Q.1. Name the major parts of a computer?

Q.2. Describe a monitor.

Q.3. What is the full form of a VDU?

Q.4. Describe the classification of monitors.

Q.5. What is the full form of CRT?

Q.6. What is the full form of LCD?

Q.7. What is the full form of LED?

Q.8. Describe a keyboard.

Q.9. Describe a CPU.

Q.10. What is the full form of CPU?

Q.11. Who invented the first computer mouse?

Q.12. Describe a mouse.

Q.13. There are how many types of mouse?

Q.14. There are how many types of scroll mouse?

Q.15. Describe a scroll mouse.

Q.16. Describe an optical mouse.

Q.17. What is a printer?

Q.18. Name the three types of commonly used printers.

Q.19. What is a microphone?

Q.20. What are speakers?

Q.21. What is a headphone?

Q.22. What is the full form of CD-ROM?

Q.23. Describe a CD-ROM.

Q.24. What is the full form of UPS?

Q.25. Describe a UPS.

Q.26. What is a pen drive?

Computer - A Smart Machine

 Computer - A Smart Machine

Q.1. Write the names of all the parts of a computer?

Q.2. Write a few lines about a computer?

Q.3. What is edutainment?

Q.4. What is the difference between a computer and a human?

Q.5. What is multitasking?

Q.6. How is a computer used at home?

Q.7. How is a computer used in school?

Q.8. How is a computer used in shops and offices?

Q.9. How is a computer used at banks?

Q.10. How is a computer used at railway stations and airports?

Q.11. How is a computer used in space research and defense?

Q.12. What are the various features of a computer?

Q.13. What is diligence?

Q.14. What is versatility?

Q.15. What is a desktop computer?

Q.16. What is a laptop?

Q.17. What is a tablet computer?

Q.18. What is a smart phone?

Using MS-Word 2016

  Using MS-Word 2016 Q.1. What is MS-Word 2016? Q.2. What do you mean by word processing? Q.3. What functions can we perform with a word pro...